Strength & Conditioning / Injury Rehabilitation.
Strength and conditioning (S&C) is the term used to describe exercise, more specifically exercise that increases strength, endurance, power, muscular hypertrophy or cardiovascular function. For example, resistance training in the gym or long distance running.
At RBP we use the term ‘strength and conditioning’ interchangeably with ‘Injury or Physical Rehabilitation’.
The Physiotherapists at RBP are highly trained when it comes to designing strength and conditioning programs, and pride themselves on getting the best program for their clients.
We understand the demands of life, sport, recreation, injuries and pain and therefore design the most comprehensive, individualised and feasible programs for our clients.

These programs are created to suit the needs of the client – their goals, time availability and motivation. Programs are complimentary with our appointments and will be delivered in a digital, clean, understandable and efficient manner.
To find out what these treatments actually do to the body, please read the sections under our Treatment Benefits page.