What a ride! Own a business they said, it’ll be fun they said…here is my 16 month transformation. All the early starts, late finishes, the courses, the people we’ve met, the things I’ve learnt about myself and business, the weight I’ve lost, the time I’ve spent working all weekend, the events we’ve been to and not been to, the podcasts I’ve listened to, and the time I’ve been away from family and friends. It’s been tough, and as you can see, my head has aged considerably over the past 16 months.
Running a business is hard. Not hard because it’s complex, but hard because it’s ALL consuming. @joshhumphris , @humphrishealthjacob and I have sacrificed a lot to get to where we are currently. We thank you for all of the support so far and can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.
My biggest tips for new business owners:
- surround yourself with the best kents you can find
- find a business coach
- learn how to market like an animal
- do courses (both personal / business / career specific)
- get some decent bloody sleep
- train frequently
- listen to podcasts (personal / business / mastering your craft)
Most of these things I’ve done, and some I’m not currently doing but intend on doing. Take time to find what you’re passionate about and don’t run yourself into the ground doing it – why? Because it can build resentment. Don’t resent what you love because you’re doing it too much. Take a step back, assess the situation and where things can improve, implement these changes and watch your happiness change.