Education is the key.

Education is the key

Education is the key to unlocking your potential. It doesn’t have to be formal education either. It can be putting the headphones in and listening to a podcast, watching a YouTube video, spending more time with people you want to be like, reading that book and so on.

2021 is the start of a new decade, do something.

The information contained in this article is general in nature and you should consult a health professional before  proceeding with any treatments mentioned in the above article.

Supporting literature and scientific studies can be found on the References page.

Picture of Ben Humphris - Founder of Results Based Physiotherapy Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) Educator & Mentor

Ben Humphris - Founder of Results Based Physiotherapy Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) Educator & Mentor

Ben is the founder and Head Physiotherapist at Results Based Physiotherapy. He uses a wide range of manual therapy techniques to facilitate the healing process, and reduce pain with his clients because he understands that training and doing rehabilitation while in pain is not the solution to recovering well.

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Supporting literature and scientific studies can be found on the References page.